All tables
Raw blockchain structures
create table blockchain.accounts (
id text NOT NULL,
address bytea NOT NULL,
workchain smallint NOT NULL,
storage_used_cells numeric DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
storage_used_bits numeric DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
storage_used_public_cells numeric DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
last_paid bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
due_payment bigint,
storage_last_transaction_lt bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ton_balance bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
extra_balances jsonb,
frozen_hash bytea,
status USER-DEFINED DEFAULT 'unknown'::account_status NOT NULL,
account_code_id uuid,
data bytea,
library jsonb,
last_transaction_hash bytea DEFAULT '\x'::bytea NOT NULL,
last_transaction_lt bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
first_transaction_lt bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
last_mentioned_lt bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
last_state_update_lt bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
human_readable text NOT NULL,
interfaces ARRAY,
get_method_tables ARRAY
create table blockchain.account_code (
id uuid NOT NULL,
code bytea NOT NULL,
hash bytea NOT NULL,
methods ARRAY DEFAULT '{}'::integer[] NOT NULL
create table blockchain.transactions (
id bytea NOT NULL,
trace_id bytea,
block_fake_uuid uuid NOT NULL,
success boolean NOT NULL,
hash bytea NOT NULL,
balance_change bigint NOT NULL,
end_balance bigint NOT NULL,
account_id text NOT NULL,
lt bigint NOT NULL,
prev_trans_hash bytea NOT NULL,
prev_trans_lt bigint NOT NULL,
utime integer NOT NULL,
in_msg uuid,
total_fees bigint NOT NULL,
total_fees_extra jsonb,
state_update_old bytea NOT NULL,
state_update_new bytea NOT NULL,
transaction_type USER-DEFINED NOT NULL,
storage_ph boolean DEFAULT false,
storage_ph_fees_collected bigint NOT NULL,
storage_ph_fees_due bigint,
credit_ph boolean DEFAULT false,
credit_ph_fees_collected bigint,
credit_ph_credit bigint,
credit_ph_credit_extra jsonb,
storage_ph_status_change USER-DEFINED NOT NULL,
compute_ph_skip_reason USER-DEFINED,
compute_ph_mode smallint,
compute_ph boolean DEFAULT false,
compute_ph_skipped boolean,
compute_ph_success boolean,
compute_ph_msg_state_used boolean,
compute_ph_account_activated boolean,
compute_ph_gas_fees bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
compute_ph_gas_limit bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
compute_ph_gas_credit bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
compute_ph_gas_used bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
compute_ph_vm_steps integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
compute_ph_exit_code integer,
compute_ph_exit_arg integer,
action_ph_status_change USER-DEFINED,
action_ph boolean DEFAULT false,
action_ph_success boolean,
action_ph_valid boolean,
action_ph_no_funds boolean,
action_ph_result_code integer,
action_ph_result_arg integer,
action_ph_total_actions integer,
action_ph_spec_actions integer,
action_ph_skipped_actions integer,
action_ph_msgs_created integer,
action_ph_fwd_fees bigint NOT NULL,
action_ph_total_fees bigint NOT NULL,
action_ph_tot_msg_size_cells bigint,
action_ph_tot_msg_size_bits bigint,
out_msgs_count integer NOT NULL,
aborted boolean NOT NULL,
destroyed boolean NOT NULL,
bounce_ph boolean DEFAULT false,
bounce_msg_size_cells bigint,
bounce_msg_size_bits bigint,
bounce_req_fwd_fees bigint,
bounce_fwd_fees bigint,
bounce_msg_fees bigint,
raw_boc bytea NOT NULL
create table blockchain.messages (
id uuid NOT NULL,
decoder_ver integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
trace_id bytea,
parent_tx_id bytea,
op_code bigint,
decoded_operation text,
decoded_body jsonb,
init_interfaces ARRAY,
raw_body bytea NOT NULL,
init jsonb,
hash bytea NOT NULL,
source text,
source_extern bytea,
destination text,
destination_extern bytea,
value bigint NOT NULL,
value_extra jsonb,
ihr_fee bigint NOT NULL,
fwd_fee bigint NOT NULL,
import_fee bigint NOT NULL,
created_lt bigint NOT NULL,
created_at integer NOT NULL,
ihr_disabled boolean NOT NULL,
bounce boolean NOT NULL,
bounced boolean NOT NULL
create table blockchain.blocks (
fake_uuid uuid NOT NULL,
workchain integer NOT NULL,
seqno integer NOT NULL,
shard bigint NOT NULL,
root_hash bytea NOT NULL,
file_hash bytea NOT NULL,
global_id integer NOT NULL,
value_flow_from_prev_blk bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_to_next_blk bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_imported bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_exported bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_fees_collected bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_fees_imported bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_recovered bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_created bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_minted bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_burned bigint NOT NULL,
value_flow_from_prev_blk_extra jsonb,
value_flow_to_next_blk_extra jsonb,
value_flow_imported_extra jsonb,
value_flow_exported_extra jsonb,
value_flow_fees_collected_extra jsonb,
value_flow_fees_imported_extra jsonb,
value_flow_recovered_extra jsonb,
value_flow_created_extra jsonb,
value_flow_minted_extra jsonb,
value_flow_burned_extra jsonb,
start_lt bigint NOT NULL,
end_lt bigint NOT NULL,
version integer NOT NULL,
gen_utime integer NOT NULL,
vert_seqno integer NOT NULL,
after_merge boolean NOT NULL,
before_split boolean NOT NULL,
after_split boolean NOT NULL,
want_split boolean NOT NULL,
want_merge boolean NOT NULL,
key_block boolean NOT NULL,
gen_catchain_seqno integer NOT NULL,
min_ref_mc_seqno integer NOT NULL,
prev_key_block_seqno integer NOT NULL,
gen_software_version integer,
gen_software_capabilities integer,
master_ref uuid,
prev_refs ARRAY NOT NULL,
in_msg_descr_length integer NOT NULL,
out_msg_descr_length integer NOT NULL,
rand_seed bytea NOT NULL,
created_by bytea NOT NULL,
shards_blocks ARRAY NOT NULL,
tx_quantity smallint NOT NULL
create table blockchain.configs (
block_fake_uuid uuid NOT NULL,
raw bytea NOT NULL,
config jsonb NOT NULL,
broken_params ARRAY
Getmethods execution results
create table getmethods.get_sale_data__getgems (
account_id text NOT NULL,
marketplace_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_owner_account_id text,
marketplace_fee_account_id text,
royalty_account_id text,
full_price numeric NOT NULL,
marketplace_fee bigint NOT NULL,
royalty_amount bigint NOT NULL,
is_complete boolean NOT NULL,
created_at bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_validator_controller_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
state integer NOT NULL,
halted boolean NOT NULL,
approved boolean NOT NULL,
stake_amount_sent bigint NOT NULL,
stake_at bigint NOT NULL,
saved_validator_set_hash bytea NOT NULL,
validator_set_changes_count integer NOT NULL,
validator_set_change_time bigint NOT NULL,
stake_held_for bigint NOT NULL,
borrowed_amount bigint NOT NULL,
borrowing_time bigint NOT NULL,
validator text NOT NULL,
pool text NOT NULL,
sudoer text,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_bill_amount (
account_id text NOT NULL,
amount bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_lockup_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
start_time bigint NOT NULL,
total_duration bigint NOT NULL,
unlock_period bigint NOT NULL,
cliff_diration bigint NOT NULL,
total_amount bigint NOT NULL,
allow_elector bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_locker_bill_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
locker_account_id text,
total_coins_deposit bigint,
user_account_id text,
last_withdraw_time bigint,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_public_key (
account_id text NOT NULL,
public_key bytea NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_telemint_token_name (
account_id text NOT NULL,
username text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.list_votes (
account_id text NOT NULL,
proposal_hash text NOT NULL,
vote_create_time bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_params__whalesnominator (
account_id text NOT NULL,
enabled boolean NOT NULL,
updates_enables boolean NOT NULL,
min_stake bigint NOT NULL,
deposit_fee bigint NOT NULL,
withdraw_fee bigint NOT NULL,
pool_fee bigint NOT NULL,
receipt_price bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.is_active (
account_id text NOT NULL,
is_active boolean,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_jetton_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
total_supply numeric NOT NULL,
mintable boolean NOT NULL,
admin_account_id text,
content_layout bigint NOT NULL,
content bytea NOT NULL,
wallet_code bytea NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_full_domain (
account_id text NOT NULL,
domain text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_order_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
multisig_address text,
order_seqno numeric NOT NULL,
threshold smallint,
sent_for_execution boolean,
signers ARRAY,
approvals_mask bytea,
approvals_num smallint,
expiration_date bigint,
orders ARRAY,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.dnsresolve (
account_id text NOT NULL,
records jsonb NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_storage_params (
account_id text NOT NULL,
accept_new_contracts boolean NOT NULL,
rate_per_mb_day bigint NOT NULL,
max_span bigint NOT NULL,
minimal_file_size bigint NOT NULL,
maximal_file_size bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_torrent_hash (
account_id text NOT NULL,
torrent_hash numeric NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_assets__dedust (
account_id text NOT NULL,
asset0_native boolean NOT NULL,
asset_0_account_id text,
asset1_native boolean NOT NULL,
asset_1_account_id text,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_subscription_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
wallet_account_id text,
beneficiary_account_id text,
amount bigint NOT NULL,
period bigint NOT NULL,
start_time bigint NOT NULL,
timeout bigint NOT NULL,
last_payment_time bigint NOT NULL,
last_request_time bigint NOT NULL,
failed_attempts bigint NOT NULL,
subscription_id bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_pool_data__tf (
account_id text NOT NULL,
state smallint NOT NULL,
nominators_count bigint NOT NULL,
stake_amount_sent bigint NOT NULL,
validator_amount bigint NOT NULL,
validator_account_id text,
validator_reward_share bigint NOT NULL,
max_nominators_count bigint NOT NULL,
min_validator_stake bigint NOT NULL,
min_nominator_stake bigint NOT NULL,
stake_at bigint NOT NULL,
saved_validator_set_hash bytea NOT NULL,
validator_set_changes_count bigint NOT NULL,
validator_set_change_time bigint NOT NULL,
stake_held_for bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_wallet_params (
account_id text NOT NULL,
seqno bigint NOT NULL,
subwallet bigint NOT NULL,
public_key numeric NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_reserves__dedust (
account_id text NOT NULL,
reserve0 numeric NOT NULL,
reserve1 numeric NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.seqno (
account_id text NOT NULL,
state bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_telemint_auction_state (
account_id text NOT NULL,
bidder_account_id text,
bid bigint NOT NULL,
bid_ts bigint NOT NULL,
min_bid bigint NOT NULL,
end_time bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_balances__lockup (
account_id text NOT NULL,
ton_balance bigint NOT NULL,
total_restricted_value bigint NOT NULL,
total_locked_value bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_wallet_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
balance numeric NOT NULL,
owner_account_id text,
jetton_account_id text NOT NULL,
code bytea NOT NULL,
verified boolean,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_editor (
account_id text NOT NULL,
editor_account_id text,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_auction_info (
account_id text NOT NULL,
max_bid_account_id text,
max_bid_amount bigint NOT NULL,
auctions_end_time bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_nft_api_info (
account_id text NOT NULL,
version bigint NOT NULL,
uri text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_collection_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
owner_account_id text,
content_layout bigint NOT NULL,
collection_content bytea NOT NULL,
next_item_index bigint NOT NULL,
in_whitelist boolean NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_nft_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
owner_account_id text,
collection_account_id text,
init boolean NOT NULL,
index numeric NOT NULL,
content_layout bigint NOT NULL,
individual_content bytea NOT NULL,
url text,
verified boolean,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_members_raw__whalesnominator (
account_id text NOT NULL,
profit_per_coin bigint NOT NULL,
member_account_id text NOT NULL,
balance bigint NOT NULL,
pending_deposit bigint NOT NULL,
pending_withdraw bigint NOT NULL,
member_withdraw bigint NOT NULL,
pending_withdraw_all boolean NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.jetton_wallet_lock_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
full_balance numeric NOT NULL,
individual_unlock_time bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_telemint_auction_config (
account_id text NOT NULL,
beneficiar_account_id text NOT NULL,
initial_min_bid bigint NOT NULL,
max_bid bigint NOT NULL,
min_bid_step bigint NOT NULL,
min_extend_time bigint NOT NULL,
duration bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_sale_data__basic (
account_id text NOT NULL,
marketplace_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_owner_account_id text,
royalty_account_id text,
full_price numeric NOT NULL,
marketplace_fee bigint NOT NULL,
royalty_amount bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_next_proof_info (
account_id text NOT NULL,
next_proof bigint NOT NULL,
last_proof_time bigint NOT NULL,
max_span bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_pool_data__stonfi (
account_id text NOT NULL,
reserve0 numeric NOT NULL,
reserve1 numeric NOT NULL,
token_0_account_id text NOT NULL,
token_1_account_id text NOT NULL,
lp_fee smallint NOT NULL,
protocol_fee smallint NOT NULL,
ref_fee smallint NOT NULL,
protocol_fee_account_id text NOT NULL,
collected_token0_protocol_fee numeric NOT NULL,
collected_token1_protocol_fee numeric NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_asset__dedust (
account_id text NOT NULL,
asset_native boolean NOT NULL,
asset_account_id text,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_plugin_list (
wallet_account_id text NOT NULL,
plugin_account_id text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint
create table getmethods.get_last_fill_up_time (
account_id text NOT NULL,
last_fill_up_time bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.royalty_params (
account_id text NOT NULL,
numerator integer NOT NULL,
denominator integer NOT NULL,
destination_account_id text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.list_nominators (
account_id text NOT NULL,
nominator_account_id text NOT NULL,
amount bigint NOT NULL,
pending_deposit_amount bigint NOT NULL,
withdraw_requested boolean NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_sale_data__getgems_auction (
account_id text NOT NULL,
marketplace_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_account_id text NOT NULL,
nft_owner_account_id text,
marketplace_fee_account_id text,
royalty_account_id text,
last_member_account_id text,
end boolean NOT NULL,
end_time bigint NOT NULL,
full_price numeric NOT NULL,
min_step bigint NOT NULL,
mp_fee_factor bigint NOT NULL,
mp_fee_base bigint NOT NULL,
royalty_fee_factor bigint NOT NULL,
royalty_fee_base bigint NOT NULL,
max_bid bigint NOT NULL,
min_bid bigint NOT NULL,
created_at bigint NOT NULL,
last_bid_at bigint NOT NULL,
is_canceled boolean NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_pool_status (
account_id text NOT NULL,
balance bigint NOT NULL,
balance_sent bigint NOT NULL,
balance_pending_deposits bigint NOT NULL,
balance_pending_withdraw bigint NOT NULL,
balance_withdraw bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_multisig_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
seqno numeric NOT NULL,
threshold smallint,
signers ARRAY,
proposers ARRAY,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_storage_contract_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
active boolean NOT NULL,
balance bigint NOT NULL,
provider_account_id text,
merkle_hash numeric NOT NULL,
file_size bigint NOT NULL,
next_proof bigint NOT NULL,
rate_per_mb_day bigint NOT NULL,
max_span bigint NOT NULL,
last_proof_time bigint NOT NULL,
client_account_id text,
torrent_hash numeric NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_staking_status (
account_id text NOT NULL,
stake_at bigint NOT NULL,
stake_until bigint NOT NULL,
stake_sent bigint NOT NULL,
query_sent boolean NOT NULL,
could_unlock boolean NOT NULL,
locked boolean NOT NULL,
proxy_stake_lock_final boolean NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_pool_full_data (
account_id text NOT NULL,
state integer NOT NULL,
halted boolean NOT NULL,
total_balance bigint NOT NULL,
interest_rate integer NOT NULL,
optimistic_deposit_withdrawals bigint NOT NULL,
deposits_open boolean NOT NULL,
saved_validator_set_hash bytea NOT NULL,
prev_round_round_id integer NOT NULL,
prev_round_active_borrowers integer NOT NULL,
prev_round_borrowed bigint NOT NULL,
prev_round_expected bigint NOT NULL,
prev_round_retured bigint NOT NULL,
prev_round_profit bigint NOT NULL,
current_round_round_id integer NOT NULL,
current_round_active_borrowers integer NOT NULL,
current_round_borrowed bigint NOT NULL,
current_round_expected bigint NOT NULL,
current_round_retured bigint NOT NULL,
current_round_profit bigint NOT NULL,
min_loan_per_validator bigint NOT NULL,
max_loan_per_validator bigint NOT NULL,
governance_fee integer NOT NULL,
jetton_minter_account_id text NOT NULL,
supply bigint NOT NULL,
deposit_payout_account_id text,
requested_for_deposit bigint NOT NULL,
withdrawal_payout_account_id text,
requested_for_withdrawal bigint NOT NULL,
sudoer_account_id text,
sudoer_set_at integer NOT NULL,
governor_account_id text,
interest_manager_account_id text,
halter_account_id text,
approver_account_id text,
controller_code bytea NOT NULL,
pool_jetton_wallet_code bytea NOT NULL,
payout_minter_code bytea NOT NULL,
projected_balance bigint NOT NULL,
projected_supply bigint NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table getmethods.get_domain (
account_id text NOT NULL,
domain text NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table jetton.masters_metadata (
jetton_account_id text NOT NULL,
metadata jsonb NOT NULL,
last_offchain_meta_refresh timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(),
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL
create table nft.url_metadata (
url text NOT NULL,
metadata jsonb NOT NULL,
last_offchain_meta_refresh_try timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:01+00'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
last_offchain_meta_refresh_success timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:01+00'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL
create table nft.collections_metadata (
collection_id text NOT NULL,
metadata jsonb NOT NULL,
last_offchain_meta_refresh timestamp with time zone DEFAULT '1970-01-01 00:00:01+00'::timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
indexer_last_update_lt bigint NOT NULL