Free TONAPI limits

Using free high TONAPI limits in your dApp with Tonkeeper


TONAPI is already available for free, but with a default rate limit of 1 request per second (1 RPS). If your dApp requires higher limits, you can take advantage of Tonkeeper's built-in mechanism to gain additional API capacity at no extra cost.

Tonkeeper (opens in a new tab) introduces a way for dApps to access high TONAPI limits for free. This feature allows dApps running in the Tonkeeper browser or in any browser with the Tonkeeper extension installed to leverage a built-in proxy mechanism that optimizes API requests.

How It Works

When a dApp is opened inside the Tonkeeper browser or a browser with the Tonkeeper extension, the global window.tonapi object becomes available. If the dApp is using @ton-api/client (opens in a new tab), it will automatically leverage this object. window.tonapi provides a custom fetch implementation that routes requests through Tonkeeper's internal proxy, sending them on behalf of Tonkeeper's TONAPI provider.

Key Benefits

  • Higher rate limits: Requests made via window.tonapi.fetch are processed with higher TONAPI limits.
  • No extra setup: The dApp does not need to modify API calls—just use @ton-api/client as usual.
  • Works in the Tonkeeper browser and in any browser with the Tonkeeper extension installed.

Integration Guide

1. Ensuring Proper API Key Usage

Even when using window.tonapi.fetch, you must provide a valid TONAPI key when initializing @ton-api/client. The key can be a free-tier key, but it must be valid.

import { TonApiClient } from "@ton-api/client";
const tonApi = new TonApiClient({
    apiKey: "your-valid-tonapi-key"

If window.tonapi is available, @ton-api/client will automatically use window.tonapi.fetch for making requests.

2. Restricting Your dApp to free high limit

If you want to ensure that your dApp only functions in environments where window.tonapi is available , you can enforce this restriction:

if (!window.tonapi) {
    alert("This dApp requires Tonkeeper to function properly.");
    throw new Error("window.tonapi is required");


  • window.tonapi.fetch allows dApps running in the Tonkeeper browser or a browser with the Tonkeeper extension to use high TONAPI limits.
  • You must provide a valid TONAPI key when initializing @ton-api/client.
  • You can restrict your dApp to work only when window.tonapi is available if you need high RPS.

For more details about methods, go to REST API section.