Streaming API
TonAPI V2 offers real-time updates about events in the blockchain.
All methods of the Streaming API are available without a private API key, but TonAPI limits a number of concurrent requests in this case. You should consider getting a personal API key at (opens in a new tab). It's crucial for any production usage.
TonAPI looks for an API key in two places in the following order:
- In the Authorization header with the "Bearer scheme". For example:
- In the "token" parameter of the query string. For example:
Server-Sent Events
SSE methods response with text/event-stream
Content-Type and communications happen in a text format.
Each API method sends two types of events: heartbeat and message.
The "heartbeat" event occurs every 5 seconds when nothing else happens
and is a signal that everything is OK with an underlying TCP connection.
The "message" event carries important information and its "data" always contains a JSON representation of a message.
A golang example (opens in a new tab) of working with SSE method.
Real-time notifications about new blocks
API method GET<...>
sends notifications about new blocks in the given workchain.
The workchain
parameter is optional and TonAPI will stream blocks from all workchains if it's not provided.
A response example:
event: message
id: 1702660194645470966
data: {"workchain":0,"shard":"8000000000000000","seqno":40695756,"root_hash":"4506cf117b96acf84717ec4b57d5d46011e94d5722681c3e4ecc8eb54932e7f8","file_hash":"97d993d43df9da463b349a6008baf3b7df229686489150a770a9fd1ffcb2d3f5"}
Real-time notifications about finalized transactions
API method GET<list-of-accounts>&operations=<list-of-operations>
takes in
a list of account IDs and an optional list of operations.
Query parameter | Description |
accounts | A comma-separated list of account IDs. A special value of "accounts" is ALL. TonAPI will stream transactions for all accounts in this case. |
operations | A comma-separated list of operations, which makes it possible to get transactions based on the first 4 bytes of a message body of an inbound message (opens in a new tab). Each operation is a string containing either one of the supported names or a hex string representing a message operation opcode which is an unsigned 32-bit integer. A hex string must start with "0x" prefix and have exactly 8 hex digits. An example of "operations" is &operations=JettonTransfer,0x0524c7ae,StonfiSwap . The advantage of using hex strings is that it's possible to get transactions for operations that are not yet present on the list. |
Then it starts streaming finalized transactions that belong to the given list of accounts.
A response example:
event: heartbeat
event: message
id: 1682407879253338019
data: {"account_id":"-1:5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555","lt":37121532000003,"tx_hash":"076a457ace46c6bcea6ef0644d65a4b866d25a5fd52349f08a6ccfbf7cb99ddb"}
Real-time notifications about traces
A trace in the TON blockchain is a series of transactions caused by one inbound message. It usually consists of multiple transactions on different accounts. Once a trace completes, TonAPI sends the trace's hash and a list of involved accounts to all subscribers who are interested in any of these accounts.
API method GET<comma-separated-list-of-accounts>
takes in
a comma-separated list of account IDs as "accounts" query parameter.
A special value of "accounts" is ALL. TonAPI will stream all traces in this case.
A response example:
event: heartbeat
event: message
id: 1682407879253338019
data: {"accounts":["0:67a8fc0aea189d79e26f50fa9184842a1ab4f19951286d498ea5a106af375044","0:dd61300e0060f80233363b3b4a0f3b27ad03b19cc4bec6ec798aab0b3e479eba","0:d7907ea9bb1fa580aa82489680004e75fbf2842246219e7dac1cf9ea90fb5cf9","0:8c61ced898b13b6aca6f4cada44080e22aacc49680082cb51c66901cdae57451"],"hash":"6176c9b1690a7b6beebd09ff118761ee47f1a8be716506874ed0a1c06bb0fc83"}
Real-time notifications about pending messages (Mempool).
API method GET ' (opens in a new tab)' immediately starts streaming BOCs of pending inbound messages:
event: heartbeat
event: message
id: 1682342934235516717
data: {"boc":"te6cc..."}
"boc" parameter is a serialized instance of a tlb.Message (opens in a new tab).
Subscribe to a list of accounts
Because a flow of pending messages could be quite high, TonAPI has a way to provide a list of accounts that you are interested in by using "accounts" query parameter:
GET ' (opens in a new tab)'.
In this case, TonAPI emulates a message to get a list of involved accounts. If any of them is on the list you provided, TonAPI will send a message to you along with a full list of accounts involved in this trace.
event: message
id: 1682407879253338019
data: {"boc":"...","involved_accounts":["0:67a8fc0aea189d79e26f50fa9184842a1ab4f19951286d498ea5a106af375044","0:6ccd325a858c379693fae2bcaab1c2906831a4e10a6c3bb44ee8b615bca1d220"]}
TonAPI supports a JSON-RPC protocol over a websocket connection. It is available at wss://
Supported methods are:
- subscribe_block
- subscribe_account
- subscribe_trace
- subscribe_mempool
A golang example (opens in a new tab) of working with websocket.
"subscribe_block" method
starts streaming new blocks.
It is possible to specify a workchain by using "params" argument to limit the stream to a specific workchain.
A request example:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscribe_block",
"params": [
A response:
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "subscribe_block",
"result": "success! you have subscribed to blocks"
A notification about a new block looks as follows:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "block",
"params": {
"workchain": -1,
"shard": "8000000000000000",
"seqno": 34832412,
"root_hash": "2a6595467ba53f63b1b3528762e0ccf396a135348519a1d08d4d5d9efa9f0521",
"file_hash": "e6a4f3283fd27531fbda844ec480aa23b12e3ee38e21bc5856dee2a1d4f5328a"
"subscribe_account" method
takes in a list of string items as "params" argument and starts streaming finalized transactions.
Each string item has one of the following formats:
- a string representing an account ID. In this case, TonAPI will stream all transactions that belong to the given account.accountID;operations=operation1,operation2,...,operationN
- a string representing an account ID and a list of operations. In this case, TonAPI will stream transactions that belong to the given account and have one of the given operations.
An operation is the first 4 bytes of a message body of an inbound message (opens in a new tab).
An example of "operations" is operations=JettonTransfer,0x0524c7ae,StonfiSwap
It is a comma-separated list. Each item is an operation name or a hex string representing a message operation opcode which is an unsigned 32-bit integer.
A hex string must start with "0x" prefix and have exactly 8 hex digits.
The advantage of using hex strings is that it's possible to get transactions for operations that are not yet present on the list.
A request example:
A response:
"result":"success! 2 new subscriptions created"
When a transaction is committed to the blockchain, TonAPI will send a short summary about it:
It is possible to subscribe up to 1000 accounts per a websocket connection.
"subscribe_trace" method
takes in a list of account IDs as "params" argument
and starts streaming traces that involve any of the given list of accounts.
A request example:
A response:
"result":"success! 2 new subscriptions created"
When a trace completes, TonAPI will send a short summary about it:
It is possible to subscribe up to 1000 accounts per a websocket connection.
"subscribe_mempool" method
subscribes you to notifications about pending inbound messages.
A request example:
A response:
"result":"success! you have subscribed to mempool"
An example of a new-pending-message event:
"boc" parameter is a serialized instance of a tlb.Message (opens in a new tab).
Subscribe to a list of accounts
Because a flow of pending messages could be quite high, TonAPI has a way to provide a list of accounts that you are interested in by using "accounts" as a parameter:
"params": ["accounts=comma-separated-list-of-accounts"]
Please notice that the "params" argument is an array of strings.
In this case, TonAPI emulates a message to get a list of involved accounts. If any of them is on the list you provided, TonAPI will send a message to you along with a full list of accounts involved in this trace.