SDKs & Swagger

TonAPI SDK Guide

TonAPI provides a set of tools and libraries to simplify the integration with the TON blockchain. This guide covers both official and third-party SDKs available for different programming languages, as well as instructions on how to generate an SDK yourself using the provided Swagger specification.

Official SDKs

We maintain several pre-built SDKs for various programming languages. All of these SDKs are generated from our Swagger files and are optimized for seamless integration into your projects.

Ton Adapter (Compatible with @ton/ton)

The @ton-api/ton-adapter (opens in a new tab) allows you to integrate TonAPI projects that use @ton/ton, enhancing your application with additional blockchain features while maintaining compatibility with @ton/ton.

Third-Party SDKs

These SDKs are maintained by the community and provide additional language support:

Generating an SDK Using the OpenAPI Generator

If you prefer to generate an SDK yourself, you can do so using the TonAPI OpenAPI specification. Follow these steps:

Install the OpenAPI Generator CLI Tool:

Install the OpenAPI generator globally using npm:

npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g

Generate the SDK:

Use the command below to generate the SDK. The example is for Ruby, but you can specify a different language by changing the -g (generator) parameter. If your Swagger file has multiple tags per operation and your language struggles with this, you can add the --openapi-normalizer KEEP_ONLY_FIRST_TAG_IN_OPERATION=true option.

npx openapi-generator-cli generate -i -g ruby -o /path/to/output
  • Note: Replace /path/to/output with the actual directory path where you want to generate the SDK.

If you encounter issues during client generation for certain languages due to multiple tags being present on a single operation in the Swagger file (which is the case for our Swagger file), you can resolve this by adding the option --openapi-normalizer KEEP_ONLY_FIRST_TAG_IN_OPERATION=true. This option helps handle such cases by keeping only the first tag in operations.

To run the OpenAPI generator, you need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system, as well as Java 11 or higher. These are necessary prerequisites to ensure proper execution.

Alternatively, if you prefer not to use npm, the OpenAPI Generator can be installed via Docker, Homebrew (for macOS), or by downloading the JAR file. Detailed instructions for these installation methods are available in the OpenAPI Generator Installation Guide (opens in a new tab).