

Select all wallets which own AMBRA jettons and Whales Club NFTs.

select human_readable from blockchain.accounts a join
(select distinct nft.owner_account_id from getmethods.get_nft_data nft
          join getmethods.get_wallet_data jetton on jetton.owner_account_id = nft.owner_account_id
          where nft.collection_account_id = (select id from blockchain.accounts where human_readable = 'EQDvRFMYLdxmvY3Tk-cfWMLqDnXF_EclO2Fp4wwj33WhlNFT' )
          and jetton.jetton_account_id =  (select id from blockchain.accounts where human_readable = 'EQCcLAW537KnRg_aSPrnQJoyYjOZkzqYp6FVmRUvN1crSazV' )
          ) t
on = t.owner_account_id

TPS per hour

select utime/3600*3600+3600, count(1)/3600.0 from blockchain.transactions
                where  utime > extract(EPOCH FROM now() - interval '7 days')::bigint
                group by utime/3600 order by utime/3600

Operations by type for last day

select case
    when m.decoded_operation != '' then m.decoded_operation
    when m.op_code is not null then 'unknown'
    else 'SimpleTransfer'
        end op, count(1) from blockchain.messages m
join blockchain.transactions txs on txs.in_msg =
where   utime > extract(EPOCH FROM now() - interval '1 day')::bigint
group by op